Cria i venda de mè ecològic mallorquí. Els mens es crien en llibertat a la possessió de Ses Cabanasses consumint sols les nostres pastures . La possessió té 300 hectàrees en producció ecològica.

Ses Cabanasses produeix mè de qualitat d'una forma sostenible i respectuosa amb el medi ambient, oferint al client un producte fresc sense passar per intermediaris. Creiem en el consum de productes locals.


Vostè ens indica com vol el tall i nosaltres li servim tallat, empaquetat I preparat per al consum.

El producte es presenta tallat i empaquetat: paletilles, costelles, cuixes, etc. Si el volen per torrar a barbacoa li servim filetejat.


Mig mè ( pes aproximat 5 kg).....50 €. Comanda mínima.

Un mè senser ( pes aproximat 10 kg).........100€

El preu inclou IVA i transport a domicili en furgoneta refrigerada.


El repartiment és setmanal. S'admeten comandes via telefònca fins dimarts vespre i es serveix dissabte al matí.

Núm. RGSA: 10.23682/PM

JAUME: 610462180




Sheep rearing and sale of Mallorcan organic lamb and mutton. Our lambs are reared in freedom at Ses Cabanasses and feed only on the natural pastures of  the area. The farm has 300 hectares dedicated to organic farming produce. Ses Cabanasses produces high quality organic lamb using sustainable  farming methods that not only benefit our sheep but also support the environment as a whole, respecting the wild plants and animals with which we are privileged to share the land. We offer our customers fresh organic lamb direct from the farm without any intermediaries. We support and believe in the consumption of local produce. We sell and deliver directly from the farm  to the home.


The customer can indicate how he wants the lamb cut and we will prepare, cut and package ready for consumption. The meat is presented in cuts and packaged accordingly- Shoulder / Ribs / Leg etc.. If the meat is requested for barbeques, it can be prepared in slices or fillets.
Half lamb ( Approx. weight 5 kilos)  50 euros minimum
Whole lamb (Approx. weight 10 kilos ) 100 euros
The price includes VAT and home-delivery in refrigerated van.


Delivery is weekly. Orders can be made by telephone up to Tuesday night and deliveries are on Saturday mornings.

Núm. RGSA: 10.23682/PM 

JAUME: 610462180